Cheddleton Methodist Church

Minister: Rev Eleanor Smith





St Andrew's in Cheddleton is a family church focused on reaching out and serving their community, We enjoy a wide variety of services and ministry with children in both church and local schools, including holiday clubs.

The Gathering is a 'New People for New Places' project of the Staffordshire Moorlands Methodist Circuit, which meets at St. Andrew's. The leaders of the church and of The Gathering wotk together and support each other in worship and in community activities. The Kid's Club on Saturday's is an example of a new joint initiative. During the year The Gathering and St.Andrew's provide events for the community to engage in.

The website for The Gathering can be found Here

Ostlers Lane,Cheddleton, ST13 7HS

Parking: Church car park

Church Activities 


Worship on the first and third Sundays at 10.30am

The Gathering meets for Worship, providing informal, all-age worship. Meeting from 3.15pm for tea and cake and gather for worship at 4pm.


Mixed Blessings - 10am - noon during term time. This is a coffee morning with a difference. We share with a childminder and her children - hence it is for mixed ages.

Cheddleton Reading Group - 1.15pm - 2.45pm. We meet on the second Tuesday of the month


Kid's Club - 10am- noon on the second Sadturday of the month

various community groups make use of our premises, contact us using the link below for more information.

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